Assigned Community Service
Assigned Community Service Hours, similar to community service hours levied by a court of law, are work hours imposed by the Judicial Affairs office. If a student is placed on disciplinary probation as a result of misconduct, assigned work hours are usually imposed. The amount of assigned work hours depends on the severity of the misconduct.
Usually, but not always, students are given a general idea of the sanctions that will be imposed in their preliminary conduct hearing with Judicial Affairs if the student has accepted responsibility for the misconduct. Final written confirmation of all sanctions are typically sent to students within 7 business days of the preliminary conduct hearing.
The written notice, commonly referred to as a sanction letter, will specify that community service hours must be completed and the date the hours are due in the Judicial Affairs office. We realize that most students have a full schedule of classes and some students work while attending Baylor. As a result, all students are typically given at least three months to complete their assigned work hours.
To download the form for documenting your assigned work hours or the list of Judicial Affairs approved organizations, click the links below:
List of Approved Community Service Locations
Assigned Community Service Hours Sign-In Record
Updated: 3/26/2020, 10/21/2022, 1/10/2024